Based in Las Vegas, The Musket Vine make captivating dream pop, rock n roll songs that draw influence from the likes of Beach Fossils, Mad Demarco, Pink Floyd and The Beatles. Their latest release “Unwanted Memories” (Singles) is available now as a limited edition cassette from CMM. Vocalist/guitarist Mahonry Tovar shares some of the bands favorite songs in this weeks edition of “Five For Friday” but first enjoy their song “Someone Unlike You”.
The Black Keys – Your The One
When we first started playing, one of the biggest influences and inspirations in our music was the Black Keys. The way that two guys could make such a great record with only a drum kit and a guitar just amazed us.This is one of my favorite tracks by them from our favorite album.
Wild Nothing – Live In Dreams
As we started developing our sound, our taste in music also developed. We got in depth with what is known as dream pop and shoegaze. We had many bands that we enjoyed, but the one we feel had the most impact on us was a band named “Wild Nothing”.
Brandon Flowers – Lonely Town
As a vocalist I believe that singers should be able to change their voice. To hit high notes, to hit low notes, to catch your attention with every note that they sing. And someone who can do that like no other modern day singer in a rock band is Brandon Flowers.
Led Zeppelin – Whole Lotta Love
From the energy they give off. To the way every instrument is played in a perfect manner. To the insane drumming skills. This is definitely one of our favorite bands of all time.
Caravan – WHIPLASH
Just amazing…