Citrus Clouds are an incredible new shoegaze/dream pop band based in Phoenix Arizona. Their debut E.P. “In Time I Am” merges beautiful dual vocals with a heavy dose of ethereal dive bombing guitars and a spot on rhythm section. Guitarist/vocalist Erick Pineda shares some of his favorite songs in this weeks edition of “Five For Friday” but first enjoy the hypnotic sounds of “In Time I Am”.
Marcos Valle- Voo Cego
This song has a really timeless, effortless. dreamy sound. The way the melodies intertwine and layer is really nice. A near perfect song.
Blouse- Imperium
This record was a huge reason Citrus Clouds started. After hearing Imperium, we were inspired to create a band heavy on melodies and a super tight rhythm section. This song in particular has a cool sound.The punchy bass drives everything, the vocals are dreamy and ethereal.
Slowdive- Alison
Another massive influence on our sound. The interplay between the female and male vocals is beautiful. We love how dense and layered and moody Alison is. All the reverb and delay creates a nice tapestry of sound that paints pictures inside the mind.
No Joy- Hare Tarot Lies
One of our favorite songs.10 seconds in are you can’t help but be hooked. Once the verse kicks in, the muff on the bass part just punches you and we love how the vocal melody snakes around the drone guitars. A soundtrack to many parties.
My Bloody Valentine- What You Want
An amazing song that seems to be swimming in an ocean of guitar swells, distortion and reverb. It’s a cool juxtaposition to have this really aggressive, raw guitar and very soft vocals. The guitar work on this song is particularly amazing.