New York based duo Tempers, comprised of Jasmine Golestaneh and Eddie Cooper, have been diligently carving out their own unique niche within dark indie, electronica and synth-pop circles since their formation. After a series of digital singles in 2013, Tempers began solidifying their singular identity of rigorous electronic production blended with instinctual, unleashed vocals. Following well received tours in Europe and the United States, Tempers saw the release of their debut album entitled Services, released in Germany via the highly regarded cult imprint Aufnahme + Wiedergabe and quickly became a staple in the synth-pop/post punk scenes in both the United States and in Europe.
Since the release of Services, Tempers have regularly appeared at a number of international festivals and venues, including Test Pressing Festival and Berghain to name a few, and ambitiously created a concept album entitled Junkspace in 2018, in collaboration with famed architect Rem Koolhaas, about the deconstructed banality and overlooked grace of 20th century shopping mall culture
Next year, Tempers will headline a UK and European tour in support of Private Life, starting with a headline show at London’s Moth Club on 28th February, the band will continue on to Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow and more – full dates below.
Friday 28th February – Moth Club, London
Saturday 29th February – Crofters Rights, Bristol
Sunday 1st March – Yes, Manchester
Monday 2nd March – Broadcast, Glasgow
Tuesday 3rd March – Sneaky Pete’s, Edinburgh 
Wednesday 4th March – Bobiks, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Friday 6th March – Kasbah Nightclub, Coventry
Saturday 7th March – The Garibaldi, Northampton
Saturday 14th  March – TBC, Brussels, Belguim
Monday 16th March – HRP Pamela, Torun, Poland
Tuesday 17th March – Poglos, Warsaw, Poland
Wednesday 18th March – Ratusz, Zduńska Wola, Poland
Thursday 19th March – Chemiefabrik, Dresden, Germany
Friday 20th March – Urban Spree, Berlin, Germany
Saturday 21st March – Café Wagner, Jena, Germany
Sunday 22nd March – Rote Sonne, München, Germany
Tuesday 24th March – Blue Shell, Köln, Germany
Wednesday 25th March – Molotow Skybar, Hamburg, Germany
Thursday 26th March – Stengade, Copenhagen, Denmark
Saturday 28th March  – Control Club, Bucharest, Romania
Tuesday 31st March  – Dürer Kert, Budapest, Hungary
(More dates to be confirmed)