Tonight and tomorrow 9/13 and 9/14 Lava Presents delivers two action packed shows at Norfolk’s newest music venue The Annex   for a mere $5 each night.

Tonight’s bill features local noise rock/punk/hardcore unit Demons who’s blistering brand of relentless energy has been melting faces in Norfolk and beyond for several years now. I’ve been lucky to witness them live multiple times and it’s always an ultra intense performance so expect them to bring it tonight.


Demons will be joined by Baltimore based band KNUB who’s recent split with Brain Cave makes me think of Unsane meets “Jupiter” era Cave In. The groups thunderous bass lines, pounding drums and crushing guitars are all tied together with an undeniable sense of melody that radiates with blissful beauty. Locals Known Bloom round out the bill and tickets can be purchased here.


Night two features local favorites Berries who have been a cornerstone of the local indie rock scene for much of the last decade. Led by singer/songwriter/guitarist Chris Ledbury the group create highly textured songs that are full of subtle dynamics and enticing nuances. I enjoy the sense of mystery and discovery I always seem to feel and find when I listen to them and they always put on an incredible show.


Also playing Saturday are indie rock locals Obscure Son.

Led by Elliott Malvas of You’re Jovian/Swirlies fame the group return to the stage after a brief hiatus.

When I asked Malvas what led to bringing back the project in a live performance capacity after a couple of runs of shows with You’re Jovian he said “Timing primarily. Also, typically, I feel this group (obscure son) responds to group texts quicker”. Its more engaging and encouraging, especially for me. So combine that positive energy and this show at The Annex- that sorta creates more opportunities. We just added a show in Richmond October 25th w/ Boo Boo Spoiler.. that may not have happened if not for this opportunity. A lot has also changed in my life since last September and when our main ace Taylor Hunt left to move to Australia, that sorta provided an opportunity to take a needed break. Sorta had to regroup, re-imagine and re-evaluate things. We were going pretty hard there for about a year and a half, so in a way it was nice but now we’re ready to rock!”

Malvas also shared his thoughts on the opening of The Annex, a venue many fans of live music in the area have been looking forward to ever since the rumblings about it began last year.

“Well, I stood before city council in favor of The Annex over a year ago, a situation I never saw myself in before but I believe in, support and appreciate Josh Coplon (founder of Lava Presents) and all he’s done and is doing for the scene. I’m just glad The Annex is finally happening. Our show last September opening for of Montreal was supposed to be at The Annex but instead it was at The Bunker in VB. Hell, I think the original date for this show was postponed! So to know the time line and hurdles, I cannot imagine what Josh and Co. has had to endure to get to this point. Still are in a sense but they’re doing it the right way! They’re thinking long term and really looking for sustainability. I applaud them and think it’ll take no time at all for The Annex to insert itself as a marquee venue for both local and national touring bands. Josh is definitely motivated and has a vision and he’s very much in control of that. I do miss some of the more DIY aspects of our scene, Wolves Den, Charlie’s etc (2016ish-2018ish).”

“I personally feel Norfolk is just one venue or promoter away from this scene absolutely exploding and thriving with multiple opportunities and added diversity. I think The Annex is that first big step and believe it’ll do great! The opportunities it will provide for our local scene and community will be immeasurable. It’s funny, I still think of The Annex as a part of Toasts back room where even I had a hand in booking and setting up some early primitive shows. I know Josh really made that space their own, so this homage towards it really rings home for me, maybe a touch of nostalgia. As a local and an artist I do have high hopes for The Annex and would like to see this area thrive musically and embrace this new era. This area has always had a lot of potential. So here it is.. ”


The Saturday night bill is rounded out by fellow locals Captive Birds and 95 Leo and Snshwr. Get tickets here.