Based in Ottawa, Canada, Corascene pull influence from 80s goth and 90s shoegaze on their debut two song E.P. “Prima Materia”

The second I heard Jordan Palmer’s gloomy bassline and Tim Zurakowski’s chiming guitars at the beginning of “Hollowed” I was instantly hooked. Then came Ally Gainsford’s soothing vocal delivery which is nothing short of stellar. Everything is rounded out with pin point time keeping from drummer Jonah Simmons to create a sound that is absolutely beautiful.

“Angel From Ash” is another gem that showcases Gainsford’s spectacular voice. It’s a very visual song that takes you on a cosmic journey that’s colorful yet grey. I really enjoy the spoken part that comes thru in the middle of the song as it adds even more charm and blissfulness to it all and creates a subtle yet fitting dynamic.

Overall these two songs make for a fabulous debut and I’m excited to hear what comes next.