San Antonio TX, shoegaze until Sinking are back with a new album titled “Yellow Copter”. It’s the follow up to their beautiful debut release “Some Piqued Interest” from 2022 and it’s definitely been well worth the wait as this record is incredibly good.

Opening cut “Meat In The Western Front”  has a dark, cryptic crawl to it that makes great use of experimentation . It’s passionate vocals and melting guitars add an atmospheric element to everything and create an ocean of hypnotizing sounds.

The bass heavy “Morgan Planner” settles into a delightfully dark groove that never lets up. It’s impactful, danceable and inviting and is a great lead in to the highly textured and layered sounds of “Skyscraper” which has a really dreamy appeal.

Other tracks like “Usually”, “Mail Of The Dead” and “Two Weeks Ago” are all inspiring numbers that showcase different aspect of the bands sound be it seductive shoegaze swing, melodic post punk or a more “new romantics” type of slant.

The drums really shine on  “Sinker” while the synth tones that flow throughout “Fig Tree Apocalypse” add a totally new aspect to the record that I really love.

“Yellow Copter” is an excellent collection of songs sure to delight fans of shoegaze, post punk and atmospheric rock from across the globe.