Stukot is the experimental solo project of Warsaw, Poland musician Szymon Witecki.  Their latest release “Reactions” is made up of two tracks “Reactions 1” and “Reactions 2” and everything is essentially centered around Witecki’s drum kit with an array of synth tones accompanying it.

“Reactions 1” opens with these gigantic roaring synths and drum accents that quickly morph into what sounds like an orchestra backed by a sleek almost jazz style beat. The drums are steady but also throw in flourishes of fills that keep everything moving along in fine form.

There’s a real element of mystery and danger that moves through the piece. It’s compelling and introspective and breathtakingly beautiful all at once and I really can’t get enough of it. The track builds and builds and gets darker as it goes on before culminating into a sea of ambient bliss as cymbals ring out over an ominous synth.

The dangerous mood continues on “Reactions 2” which jumps right off with an infectious rhythm and hypnotic layers of reverb drenched piano. Soon the drums get to be more aggressive and frantic with some lightning quick rolls and intense cymbal work. The keyboards drop out and make way for a tremendous drum solo that’s truly one of a kind before kicking back in to create an immensely atmospheric soundscape that brings the record to a close.

This is hands down some of the most inspiring music I’ve heard all year. Witecki is an amazing drummer and composer and “Reactions”  takes you on a journey through various colors, mind sets and emotions with sounds that are truly one of a kind.  Highly recommended!!!