Feel Weird “Slipped” E.P. (feelweirdmusic.bandcamp.com)
Feel Weird’s debut two song E.P. “Slipped”. is a stripped down, raw indie pop recording full of catchy hooks and screaming guitars. “Or Anyone” brings to mind early Flaming Lips and Dogbowl’s “Cyclops Nuclear Submarine Captain” with it’s three chord guitar riff that’s full of distortion and crushing drums. “Sleep Always” is a little bit more laid back but not by much. It’s abrasive melody and quirky vocals make for a song that’s simply fun to sing along to. A great representation of the true spirit of lo-fi indie rock n roll. Looking forward to many more recordings from this New Orleans based band.
Glass Harbours “History Trails” E.P. (glassharbours.bandcamp.com)
Brand new E.P. from this Huddersfield, UK instrumental band. Opening track “History Trails” is a moody guitar based piece with a slight jazz influence. There’s a nice percussive swing behind it all and I really love the field recordings they incorporated as it sounds like baby birds chirping at the beginning and the end of the track. “Step Back In To The Past” moves with a similar swag but is a little bit more on the technical side. The track delves into guitar orchestra territory that creates a vast collection of inviting tones and melodies that wind together to inspire a feeling of hope. “Falling/Horizons” adds a touch of grit to the mix, opening with a pretty straight forward rock riff that quickly shifts into high gear with an off center and slightly eerie underlying tone while still keeping things catchy and upbeat. It’s a six and a half minute epic that shows off the bands musicianship and songwriting in top form. Captivating, cinematic and warm.
Point Mass “Paper Parasol” Single (pointmass.bandcamp.com)
Awesome single that according to the band is based on the following story “While we were on holiday last summer Natty deconstructed a paper parasol and was surprised to find that it was made from a Chinese newspaper. I explained to him how it had been made out of an old newspaper in China and shipped to France so that he could have a paper parasol in his drink. It made me wonder: how does this make sense?” It’s a quirky almost nerdy sounding song that fans of Pavement, Weezer and early Talking Heads are sure to enjoy. Jim Purbrick does a great job of playing all the instruments as well as handling the production duties and his voice blends well alongside Linda Ronald’s backing vocals. A powerful indie pop anthem full of loud guitars, pounding drums and undeniable charm.
Paul Stone “Insomnia Cafe” LP (paul-stone.bandcamp.com)
“Insomnia Cafe” is the latest effort from U.K. musician Paul Stone. This nineteen track album is experimental, psychedelic and at times down right demented. “Mr. Doesn’t Go Anywhere” is a cagey number that falls some place between Tom Waits “Rain Dogs” & Buckethead’s “Bucketheadland”. The numbing presence of “Brown Gnome” mixes an octave guitar riff with sounds reminiscent of lost space station signals. My favorite track “Marshmallow Teddybear” is a chilling psychedelic piece that echoes the spirits of John Frusciante while “Refrigerator Talk” is simply one of the most cosmic sounding tracks I’ve ever heard. Over all this is a very pleasurable release that serves as great headphone listening. The textures Paul makes with these sounds are remarkable and I’m amazed by his ability to create his own world of sonic architecture.
Walking Over Strings “Me, The Night and The City” E.P. (walkinoverstrings.bandcamp.com)
Walking Over Strings is the experimental post rock side project by Efraín Alejandro Méndez who is a film based composer from Caracas, Venezuela. “Me, The Night and The City” is a breath taking collection of beautifully executed songs. “That Moment When The Day Merges With The Night” is full of rich atmospheric soundscapes, and experimental tones and makes a great intro to the dark epic orchestral feel of “Falling Through the Noise, the Cold and the Hazed Lights of the City”. “Another Sleepless Night (Walking Alone in this Cold City” is beautiful, bleak and massive, reminding me a bit of English metal band My Dying Bride minus the vocals. “Let the Lights of the City Guide You (To Me)” is the most melodic and intense track of the record with it’s layers and layers of guitars and manic drumming while “A Dark Night and A Cold Empty Bed (Only Stars as Company) shows signs of “A Momentary Lapse Of Reason” Era Floyd. The albums closer “And Like the Light of the Sunset, I Fade Slowly into the Night (And Disappear)” is a fitting way to wind down from this intense musical journey. This is a record that tells a story and allows the listener to paint their own landscapes in their head while listening. The cover art is also very stunning and an essential piece of the package to a truly stellar piece of work.
Warm E.P. PT 1 (warmnoise.bandcamp.com)
Quite an impressive debut from this Orange County New York Shoegaze outfit. The dual Male/Female vocals create an incredible dynamic that looms over top of the swirling guitar sounds created throughout these three songs. “Brush” starts off with a very delicate feel that builds up to a blast of fuzzed out riffs and colorful tones that bring to mind a late night car ride on a unfamiliar piece of road that lead to new lands of wonder and mystery. “Spin”has all the makings of a dream pop classic, with it’s droning tempo and haunting nuances matched by a angst filled vocal that sounds like it’s being beamed in from an outside world. “Pull” brings all these themes together as the band glide along in fine form submerged in a wash of effects pedal driven bliss. Highly recommended for fans of reverb drenched, ambient rock n roll.