DREAM INDUSTRIES is an amazing experimental sound project based in Lima, Peru. Their latest release “200” is a nine track album with each track being numbers from “201” thru “209” and each piece is between two and three minutes long.
“”201” starts out with a loop of voices that move over top of various other loops of what sounds like everything from horns to, percussion to synths. It all works together to create it’s own language of sorts and at times it’s rather maniacal sounding, which I love.
The next piece “202” makes me think of what it be like if a malfunctioning robot tried to sing someone a love ballad. It’s all full of cool glitching noises and hypnotic loops wear as “203” features more vocal loops moving in frantic patterns at break neck speeds.
Piece “204” brings to mind strange creatures from a science fiction film dancing and singing at a late night party. “205” adds in some acoustic guitar loops that sound absolutely beautiful next to the weird voices and stuttering effects that take place while “206” and “207” use more abrasive elements and mechanical sounds that take things to mind bending levels.
I think “208” might be my favorite track of them all as the loops and voices are mixed up with all kinds of different sounds and spliced and cut together in the perfect way. It’s soothing and cathartic, outlandish and avant-garde, and it’s sound collage in it’s finest form.
The final track “209” is a very consistent wall of experimental sound that slows down and meshes into a cosmic electronic loop before giving way to one last chiming tone before fading out.
I really can’t say enough great things about this release. It’s magic to my ears and brain and I’m excited to hear what they do next. Highly recommended.