Mar 11, 2016 | Five for Friday, Uncategorized
Citrus Clouds are an incredible new shoegaze/dream pop band based in Phoenix Arizona. Their debut E.P. “In Time I Am” merges beautiful dual vocals with a heavy dose of ethereal dive bombing guitars and a spot on rhythm section. Guitarist/vocalist Erick...
Mar 5, 2016 | Six Records CMM, Uncategorized
Caustic Roll Dave “Approaching Noise” LP ( Hailing from Barcelona Spain Caustic Roll Dave is a true original and his latest album “Approaching Noise” embraces the spirit of raw rock n roll and blues and adds plenty...
Mar 4, 2016 | Five for Friday, Uncategorized
Blake Babies were an alternative rock band formed in 1986 in Boston, Massachusetts. The three primary members were John Strohm, Freda Love and Juliana Hatfield. In March of 1988 they entered Cambridge, MA’s Fort Apache Studios to record demos of the songs that...
Feb 24, 2016 | Six Records CMM, Uncategorized
Musicians, Producers, Actors and Friends came together at the Los Angeles Convention Center on Saturday February 13th to honor Lionel Richie as Musicares 2016 “Person Of The Year”. Musicares provides a safety net of critical assistance for music people in...
Feb 12, 2016 | Five for Friday, Uncategorized
The Daisy Heaves were formed in the Fall of 2015 by Chicago musician Ryan Dahl. The idea started as a solo project when a collection of songs were written and recorded this past October. Soon after Danny Branske joined the group on guitar and vocals, followed by Will...
Feb 6, 2016 | Six Records CMM, Uncategorized
Boxset “Channel Surf” E.P. ( I get an uplifting sense of positive energy when I listen to this E.P. from the Philly based band known as Boxset. Headed by Vocalist/guitarist Rob Dunphey and accompanied live by guitarist Ryan Quinn,...